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The Role of Genetics in Alcoholism

Addiction tends to run in families for a few different reasons but genetic predisposition is one of the most common causes of problems like alcoholism. The environment and culture that a person grows up in can influence them to drink [...]

  • Why Addicts Lie

Why Addicts Lie

When someone has an addiction, their behavior may change dramatically and they will begin to act in ways they never had before. They might lie, steal, cheat or break the law because they will do anything to be able to [...]

  • Parenting an Adult Addict

Parenting an Adult Addict

The responsibility of being a parent may never completely end, even after children reach adulthood and leave home to lead their own lives. Being a parent means always trying to lead your son or daughter in the right direction especially [...]

  • The Perfectionist and the Addict

The Perfectionist and the Addict

Sometimes the stress of wanting to do your best and a fear of failure can cause a tendency toward perfectionism and those feelings might drive you to self-medicate. Although there is no single personality type that can lead to a [...]

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