• Alcoholism and Ultimatums

Alcoholism and Ultimatums

When you are dealing with someone close to you who has a drinking problem it can be frustrating and painful knowing that you can’t stop their behavior. You might feel tempted to try to control the situation by giving them [...]

  • Aggression and Alcoholism

Aggression and Alcoholism

People all react to alcohol differently and may exhibit unique behavior when they are intoxicated. However, there is a very strong correlation between alcohol and aggression or even in some cases violent behavior. Some individuals may be more likely to [...]

  • Alcohol Abuse for Insomnia

Alcohol Abuse and Insomnia

It is common for people who abuse alcohol to experience disrupted sleep and end up in a vicious cycle of insomnia and addiction. Sleep disorders and substance abuse often go hand in hand as mind altering chemicals can make it [...]

  • Alcoholism and Masculinity

Alcoholism and Masculinity

Alcoholism and Masculinity Historically, alcohol abuse has always been more prevalent among males than females although recent statistics have been slightly shifting. Overall, men tend to become addicted to alcohol more often than women and they tend to binge drink [...]

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