• Treating Anxiety in Bipolar Disorder

Treating Anxiety in Bipolar Disorder

There are a myriad of different symptoms that can be associated with bipolar disorder and they can all be challenging to treat. Anxiety is a common problem for people with bipolar disorder and many patients can even have a comorbid [...]

  • Careers with the Highest Depression Rates

Careers with the Highest Depression Rates

Certain jobs can create more stress, worry and may negatively affect employees who are involved in the industry. Issues such as lack of inactivity at sedentary jobs, high pressure environments, social isolation, and exposure to toxins can all be factors [...]

  • Mental Health Treatment in Pasadena

Mental Health Treatment in Pasadena

For a person struggling with symptoms of a mental illness, it is important for them to find the right kind of care so that they can lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. Pasadena mental health treatment centers offer people the [...]

  • Humor In Mental Health

Is There Room for Humor in Mental Health?

Laughter and humor have existed in every society as a means of human well-being, divinity and society. Everyone feels uplifted after a good laugh with friends or just watching a comedy. Humor can help us forget our troubles temporarily but [...]

  • Neurotic Personality Disorder

Neurotic Personality Disorder

Many people might describe themselves as being “neurotic” if they have frequent worries or tend to overanalyze things. However, a true neurotic disorder or neurosis can be very severe and disrupt a person’s perception of reality. Someone with a neurotic [...]

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