• Young couple having relationship problems and arguing

The Philosophy of Second Chances

When people offend or hurt us, we tend to react differently depending on our beliefs about that person, our feelings of trust and our past experiences. How do we know when it will be a good idea to give a [...]

  • I’m not Schizophrenic I am Schizoaffective

I’m not Schizophrenic I am Schizoaffective

Schizophrenic or Schizoaffective? Schizophrenic or Schizoaffective? What do you think? Although such disorder is a mental illness that is closely related to schizophrenia, the two problems are distinctly different diagnoses. Many people mistakenly believe that schizoaffective disorder is a subtype [...]

  • The Trump Administration and Mental Health

The Trump Administration and Mental Health

President Trump and his administration have made it a mission to overhaul our current healthcare system and eradicate “Obamacare” which they believe was inefficient and problematic. Their new healthcare plan has passed the house but is still being considered by [...]

  • What is CBD Oil?

What is CBD Oil?

Among the various medicinal marijuana products available in certain areas, CBD oil is a new and controversial item that people can purchase for its supposed health benefits. There is some confusion about what CBD oil actually is and how it [...]

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