Depression Relapse

Even though treatment and therapy can help resolve many symptoms of depression, mental illnesses can be difficult to completely cure. There are many cases where a patient who is able to overcome their issues of depression and feel stable for a period of time later relapses and their symptoms return. Depression relapse is a reality that patients must be prepared for even if they have successfully lived depression-free.

It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of a depression relapse in yourself or in others who may need help. An episode of depression can happen any time but it is often triggered by a stressful event that takes place in a person’s life. Even though a person has already experienced depression and recovered, they may not recognize their relapse symptoms which can be different from their first episode of the condition.

People who are experiencing a depression relapse may have some of the following symptoms:

  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Loss of attraction to partner
  • Trouble focusing or concentrating
  • Sleep problems such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Social withdrawal
  • Weight changes
  • Feeling worthless

If you notice any of these symptoms they could mean you or someone you love is experiencing a depression relapse. People experience relapses even when they are already receiving treatment or are taking medication for depression. Specific triggers can lead to a relapse such as the loss of a loved one, ruminating about negative experiences, divorce or other stressful events and hormonal changes.

Even if you have already received treatment in the past it is important to seek help if you are experiencing a depression relapse. Professional mental health programs can help you get back to a place of stability so that you can get back to the way you were feeling prior to the relapse. Make sure to find a regular therapist and talk to them about your new symptoms.