One of the most important keys to any recovering addict’s success is the ability to establish a meaningful connection with God. Spirituality and treatment go hand in hand for a number of reasons. For one, having a spiritual relationship with God allows a recovering addict to truly understand that they are powerless against their addictions. This allows them to turn their lives over to God, which then gives them the answers to any obstacles that they may come up against in their journey toward sobriety. It is inevitable that with sobriety will come a number of challenges.

Recovering and achieving sobriety means coming to terms with realities that are sometimes difficult to process and facing emotions that had previously been muted or numbed by drugs or alcohol. As a recovering addict continues to move forward with their treatment, they will find that they are able to cultivate a much more meaningful and substantial relationship with God.

Overcoming Obstacles Shows A Person’s Strength

When a person is in treatment, they have an opportunity to become familiar or reacquainted with the most tenacious version of themselves. Ironically, the more difficult a situation is, the more of an opportunity there is for a person to make surprising and inspiring realizations about themselves. This is because in order to overcome major obstacles, a person must be in touch with the part of themselves that is a survivor: the part of themselves that is capable of achieving great things.

This is the part of themselves that is most connected to God and what his plan is for them. By understanding what God’s plan is, a recovering addict works their way toward the person that they were meant to be and finds that they have not only a better self image and a more substantial relationship with themselves, but also a more solid relationship with God.

Finding God in Troubling Times

In treatment, a recovering addict works with the counselors, therapists, and even other recovering addicts to get to the root of their addiction and to seek ways that triggers like stress, anger, and sadness can be addressed without drugs or alcohol. When this happens, a recovering addict must come to terms with even the parts of their personality and their history that they are not necessarily proud of or happy with.

This often means reflecting on times when drugs or alcohol led a person to behave in a way that they feel guilt or shame around. The good news is that this is the perfect opportunity for a recovering addict to cultivate his relationship with God. In the most troubling times of any person’s life, God is there with answers to tough questions, and guidance that will always help a recovering addict make the right choice.

Prayer in Treatment

Prayer is a big part of treatment, because it plays such an integral role in allowing an addict to find the peace and happiness they wish to attain in sobriety. Very often, a situation or an emotion will feel overwhelming or upsetting, but as a recovering addict becomes accustomed to engaging in frequent conversations with God, they see that no problem does not have an answer and that God is always there, even in the most dire of situations.

When God hears prayers, he has the chance to answer them. So often this means that a recovering addict finally has the people and support he needs to live a fulfilling and happy life. Prayer also works to quiet the mind and to slowly reduce the number of destructive and unhealthy negative thoughts that a recovering addict may be used to having.