Postpartum Depression in Men

Typically postpartum depression is thought of as a condition that women go through after they give birth to a child, the reality is that men can experience many of the same issues. While postpartum depression for women can be different because it involves difficult hormones changes and other issues, men can also have problems dealing with the stress of having a newborn child. Men can feel considerably depressed or anxious while trying to care for a child and it can negatively affect their health and ability to function as parents.

Postpartum depression takes place for men when they become overwhelmed by the stress and responsibility of caring for an infant. They may deal with sleepless nights, conflict with their spouse, and anxiety about their child during the first year of the baby’s life. When the stress leads to certain symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, insomnia, appetite problems and feelings of hopelessness then postpartum depression may have developed.

Certain problems can put men at a higher risk for developing postpartum depression such as lack of sleep, personal history of depression, poor relationships with spouse or other family members, poor social life, economic problems and other issues. When risk factors are present, the stress of parenthood can lead to serious depression symptoms that become difficult to combat alone especially with a child to care for. It is important to keep in mind that men also need plenty of emotional support when they have children and women are not the only ones who are vulnerable to postpartum mental health issues.

For men struggling with postpartum depression it is crucial to get help from a professional to address some of the factors that may be contributing to the symptoms. Talking to a therapist can help ease stress and provide the chance to work on tactics to cope with depression and parenthood.