After an addict accepts help with their addiction or alcoholism they along with their family must decide which type of treatment they will undergo. They may choose between a residential treatment center or an outpatient rehab center. A residential treatment facility may be a better choice if you really want to prevent any type of relapse along the way. Residential treatment can be a minimum of thirty days or even a ninety-day program of completely live in care that requires a complete commitment to therapy and healing.

People may choose residential treatment whether they have an extreme addiction to crystal meth or have become addicted to prescription pills. This type of treatment includes drug and alcohol education, group therapy, one on one therapy, detoxifications and even more. Instead of viewing this type of treatment as a prison sentence patients should view it as complete emersion in the best possible environment for recovery. Also, many times somebody’s drug addiction or alcoholic behavior coexists with a psychological problem such anxiety or bipolar disorder that would be better treated with a round the clock staff.

Staying within the treatment facilities takes away any possible disruptions or pressures of that addicts’ previous environment that most of the time enable their addictive behavior. Other clients staying at the treatment center along with the patient could potentially help a person feel less alone and even part of a team in the battle to recovery. Residential treatment encourages the prime focus on getting better internally before facing the outside world.