Places Available Now At Our Glendale Rehab Center

If you’ve realized that you need help to tackle your addiction problem, why not enjoy expert attention and the holistic package of care that’s offered at our Glendale addiction treatment center. From the minute you arrive, our experienced team will be on hand to assist you in finding your own, individual route to continued sobriety. Our approach extends well beyond initial detox, providing program participants with the tools they need for a sober, healthy future.

Range Of Alcohol Rehab Accommodation

Many addicts start their recovery with us as an in-patient at our high quality facility. Once the initial issues relating to alcohol or drug withdrawal are overcome, clients move on to alternative accommodation, supported by our intensive therapy and outreach program. Some people choose to continue their addiction treatment in sheltered housing, where appropriate supervision and fellowship reinforces the chances of success. Other addicts eventually move back into the community, going back to regular employment and redefining their lives as sober individuals.

We Provide a Customized Solution to Drug Rehab

We know that no two addicts are the same, which is why we put together individualized treatment plans which address the specific needs of each client. Families form a vital part of the rehabilitation process, with many partners and other relatives attending therapy sessions with the client in order to facilitate more positive family relationships. Progression is tailored to the needs of the individual; we don’t try and “hurry” clients – time to adapt to the challenges which a sober lifestyle presents is vital to maximize the chances of success.

Serving the Local Community Here in Glendale

Over the years, a large number of people in and around Glendale have benefited from our services. We are proud of our alumni, many of whom volunteer their time to give other addicts the support and inspiration they need to overcome the temptations which drink or drugs may bring. To find out more or speak with one of our friendly team, call us now at (800) 931-9884.