Can You Recover if You’re Constantly Blaming Others?

Addiction can often cloud a person’s judgement and they may find it hard to be fully aware of their own illness. They can live in very deep denial for a long time and fail to see how their actions are hurting other people. Some may even find it easier to blame other people for their problems instead of taking responsibility for their own choices.

Shifting blame onto others is a common problem for people in recovery because it can be painful to confront your own mistakes. There are a lot of feelings of shame and failure surrounding addiction and it becomes much easier to blame other people or life circumstances instead of facing reality. It is important for people in recovery to stop placing blame on others and take ownership of their actions as difficult as it may be.

Accepting that you have made all your own choices can be painful but it helps addicts to finally acknowledge their disease. When they understand that some of their problems are related to their own choices they will have to start taking steps to change. Those who are shifting the blame elsewhere are finding a way to avoid changing their actions.

Understanding that you need to make changes and that your addiction is the problem can help people get through their state of denial. When they see that their own actions are to blame they can finally accept that they need help to quit their addiction. Getting through denial is one of the first and most important steps to starting a recovery journey.

It may take time for an addict to stop blaming others as it is a habit they have developed to shield themselves from embarrassment and pain. Accepting blame for their own actions, however, is a crucial part of recovery.