Alcohol Poisoning and Detox

People that abuse alcohol regularly can put themselves in very serious danger when they drink. When people binge drink often, their tolerance for consuming large amounts of alcohol continues to increase. They may no longer be aware of how much is too much and are at a high risk for accidental alcohol poisoning.

An alcoholic or a heavy binge drinker may think that they can drink however much they want without experiencing any consequences. However people with these kinds of addictions can suffer from alcohol poisoning and end up in the emergency room. It is not only a painful experience it can also be deadly in many cases.

Alcohol poisoning can occur even for people that are very accustomed to drinking heavily. Someone may not realize how much they are actually consuming especially when they are already intoxicated. After going through alcohol poisoning the victim will most likely go through a period of withdrawal during which they can choose to enter detox.

Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

When someone experiences alcohol poisoning, it usually happens when they have consumed a very large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. Even though people in the U.S. consume alcohol regularly a surprisingly large amount of people experience accidental alcohol poisoning. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are about 2,200 deaths per year related to alcohol poisoning which averages to about 6 per day.

Many people don’t understand the limits of alcohol tolerance in the body and are unaware that they are consuming more than their body can handle. When someone has alcohol poisoning it is because the high volume they have consumed is flooding the bloodstream and is interfering with vital functions of the brain such as breathing, heart rate and temperature. Because the liver can only process a certain amount of alcohol at a time, too much will mean that the toxins are flooding the body.

Alcohol poisoning can cause many severe reactions in the body including-

  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Low body temperature (hypothermia)
  • Dehydration
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
  • Irregular breathing (long gaps between breaths)
  • Blue tinged or pale skin
  • Unconsciousness or passing out

If someone seems heavily intoxicated, it is a good idea to become familiar with the signs of alcohol poisoning so that you can recognize when they need medical help. If someone is passed out or it seems like they are having trouble breathing it is crucial to call 911 as soon as possible. In order to prevent alcohol poisoning from becoming fatal, the person will need immediate medical attention.

It can be difficult to recognize the symptoms of alcohol poisoning in yourself but it is crucial if you are drinking alone or the people around you are too intoxicated to notice that you need help. If you find your breathing or heart rate slowing down and you feel cold or are shivering then you might need to go to the hospital. Getting medical help in time can save your life and prevent your body from shutting down.

Detoxing from Alcohol Poisoning

When someone experiences alcohol poisoning they may go through a period of withdrawal afterward as their body tries to rid itself of the toxins. They may feel very uncomfortable or be in a lot of physical pain as they recover from the poisoning. In the same way that an alcoholic goes through withdrawal, large amounts of alcohol can lead to intense detox in the period afterward.

For someone who has gone through alcohol poisoning, they might consider going to a detox center to help them recover from their experience. Consuming alcohol to the point of nearly dying means that you do not have a safe or healthy relationship to the drug. Even though alcohol is legal that does not mean it is normal for the body to be flooded with that many toxins.

Detox can give you a chance to rid your body of all the chemicals that are making you dependent on alcohol. Having an experience with alcohol poisoning can be a wake up call for people because they realize that they are not able to drink responsibly. There are plenty of detox centers available for people who have been through alcohol poisoning and need to get the drug out of their system.

Although drinking is meant to be a social behavior, it can sometimes turn into a dangerous habit that can mean your life is at stake. Alcohol poisoning deaths are an unfortunate reality in this country as people are not able to control their drinking or don’t know their limit. Avoiding alcohol can be a safe alternative to a risky habit.

If you want to quit drinking, contact a detox center and a rehab treatment program in your area today.