There are many people out there who like to have a drink once in a while but for those parents who like to have more than a few there are some things you should think about first. Are you setting a good example for your child by being drunk around them? As much as you would like to believe that your child has no idea what you are doing, you should realize that kids can pick up on things more than you think. Even a young child can sense when something is wrong or different about you and you may not even be aware of yourself getting angrier or possibly abusive around your kids. If you are worried about what could happen to you as a parent if you continue drinking then you should attend a California residential treatment program that can help you get your life back on track. People don’t always realize what an important job it is to be a parent and how you truly must be there for your kids and give them the love and encouragement they need. You can become a good role model for them by being healthy and sober after residential rehab treatment. The time you spend in treatment can help you address issues of being a better parent after you leave.

Whenever you make a choice to change your life in any way you have to be committed to it. If you want to give your kids the best that they can have then you must be motivated to stop drinking for good. No one wants to feel like a bad parent that could hurt their kids’ future. You should invest in treatment for alcohol so that you stand a better chance of making a full recovery from your habit and not relapsing in the future.